Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 16 of RTF

Today was our 70% skill check. In the morning we ran specialized scenarios to give us practice for the skill check, which included busier scenarios and old PV scenarios. After lunch we ran the skill check. It's meant to be at 70% of the traffic level of the PV that we'll be having on Wednesday. I didn't have any problems with it, and I don't think anyone else did either. It was the same stuff we've been seeing in every scenario, and I think we're all used to working a busier level of traffic now. The last run of the day was just a random specialized scenario, and it's gotten to the point where I'm kind of bored with the same things. Tomorrow we've been promised to get a chance to run 05WA though since a few of us have been requesting it (nicknamed "Whip Ass"). Supposedly it's the craziest scenario they have and no one can handle it. Our instructors told us they'd bring popcorn, sit back, and laugh at us all as we attempt to run it.

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