Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 2 of ITR

Today was a little more interesting than yesterday, if only because we were actually "learning" things. It was more of a boring review than anything else. We started our way through the course manual and went over the basics of what ATC is (what towers, centers, and tracons are responsible for), positions within the facility, the different traits we need as controllers, and human factors in ATC. Throughout the day we had various other instructors sit in on lectures, as well as a few teach one or two, because they were in the process of getting certified to teach the ITR course and it was a requirement to do so. We ran lectures in 50 minute increments and then had 10-20 minute breaks every hour or so. We finished up a little early, so Dave just told us some stories about being a controller (since they're not allowed to let us leave early).

On a side note, Dave mentioned that the FAA is planning to get all of its 2008 hiring done by March. So if you're in the process right now or have an interview soon, things should move along pretty quickly for you. And if you don't hear anything tentatively by March, you're most likely going to have to wait until October (the start of the new fiscal year) to hear anything more.

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